15 mins
performer: Portia Yuran Li
Veronica Smith
Performance at IKLECTIK
Curated by Dyana Gravina
Photo copyright Matt Favero
Videographer Leo LeiZhu
Silicone, foam, iron chain
Exhibited at Safehouse London
Curated by Unruly Hair, Kiki Ruoqi
Photo copyright Adam Yudong Zhang

Perform at IKLECTIK as part of Sex Re-Boot
Curated by Dyana Gravina
BECOMING is a performance with an intensely visual experience, combining absurdity, gentleness, and danger, the iron chains and latex sculptures to embody the themes of animosity and dependency arising from technology. The struggle and desires of humanity are brought up into a techno world, through choreographed movements, it physically demonstrates another possibility for the birth of combined life: a cybernetic, mechanical, and transmissive form. The future's conception of life may be no different from the mechanical generation. The suspended "body" lacks any emotions and is an organ-less entity, abandoned and available for exhibition.